Свадебная церемония Тхитхи
Основные моменты:

Package Includes
Package Includes
В день свадьбы:
- Свадебная церемония в уединенной обстановке
- Подготовка и украшение места проведения свадьбы на пляже North Beach
- Традиционный парад барабанщиков Бодуберу, следующий к месту проведения свадьбы
- Свадебный торт
- Букет невесты и бутоньерка жениха
- 2 бокала игристого вина для тостов
- Фотосъемка ведется с момента прибытия жениха до окончания церемонии

2. После свадебной церемонии
- Специальная вечерняя уборка номера, включая оформление кровати для новобрачных
- Романтический ужин из четырех блюд при свечах и с вином на пляже для жениха и невесты. Ужин будет приготовлен нашим шеф-поваром по индивидуальному рецепту .
- Отель Центара подарит вам USB-накопитель с копиями фотографий

Дополнительные услуги помогут вам надолго запомнить свадебную церемонию:
- 60 минут косметических процедур в спа-салоне для невесты и жениха — от 390 долларов США
- Прическа и макияж для невесты и жениха — от 300 долларов США
- Фотосессия для пары на острове продолжительностью один час — от 350 долларов США
- Выступление Бодуберу на протяжении всей свадебной церемонии — от 150 долларов США
- Двухъярусный свадебный пирог — 153+ доллара США
- Живая музыка на протяжении свадебной церемонии и ужина — от 150 долларов США
- На следующий день после свадьбы: завтрак на вилле — от 80 долларов США

More Special Touches:
- “Boduberu” performance throughout the wedding Ceremony
- A three-tiered Wedding Cake
- Live music performance during the Wedding Ceremony and dinner
- 4-course romantic dinner with paired wines on the beach
- Private bbq at the resort beach
- Private bbq at the sandbank
- Champagne breakfast served in-villa
- Signature facial treatment at SPA Cenvaree
- Video shooting during the Wedding Ceremony
- One-hour couple photography around the island (30 pictures)

Свадьба на Мальдивах
Weddings in Tropical Climates
You have chosen to celebrate the most beautiful day of your life and your dream honeymoon in a tropical destination. In these picture-perfect surroundings, your wedding ceremony is still subject to weather conditions. When you select an outdoor venue for your wedding location, the resort or hotel will provide a back-up indoor location at no extra charge. However please be aware that by booking an outdoor venue you agree to this back-up option with no recourse to the property. On arrival the wedding coordinator will discuss with you the weather forecast and agree an appropriate date if needed. It is strongly recommended that you remain flexible with your actual wedding day during your stay to ensure it will be a day to remember.
Your Wedding, Your Style
Whilst every effort is made to coordinate your wedding plans before arrival, allowing you the time to relax and enjoy your stay, we do appreciate that you may want to discuss your wedding arrangements with your personal wedding planner earlier in your stay. You will have the opportunity to enhance your wedding setting in addition to the pre-booked items and services within the wedding package which cannot be cancelled or refunded.
Confirming your Wedding Plans
The balance of your wedding or blessing ceremony is due 30 days prior to arrival. A pro-forma invoice will be issued in good time to arrange payment. Securing your underwater wedding ceremony is subject to advanced confirmation at least 14 days prior to arrival.
Terms & Conditions
- • A wedding in the Maldives is symbolic in nature and is not legally binding
- • Wedding and ceremonial arrangements can only be finalised after a minimum stay of two days at the resort to ensure that there is sufficient time for preparation
- • Pricing is not inclusive of accommodation or meal plans
- • Wedding rings and bridal gown to be supplied by the bride and groom
Cancellation Policy
Securing your Sea Breeze wedding is subject to a 25% deposit of the total amount of your wedding ceremony. In the event you cancel your plans completely, the deposit will be forfeited. For underwater weddings, 50% of the total cost of your wedding ceremony will be retained for any cancellations within 14 to 7 days prior to your arrival at the resort whereas cancellations within 7 days imply that 75% of the total cost of your stay will be forfeited.