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7 Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas for the Bride-to-Be

By Centara Hotels & Resorts Posted on 12 Sep 20

7 Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas for the Bride-to-Be

If you are looking for some ideas for a bachelorette party and want to do something out of the ordinary, here are some unique ideas for you to try.

7 Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas for the Bride-to-Be

Cooking Class

Whether or not you or your friends are planning to become a full-time housewife, cooking is fun and it's a skill that can be taught and will always come in handy - so why not take a cooking class together?

Pick a dish that none of you have ever cooked before, and maybe make it even more challenging by going for a foreign cuisine. There will be no winner or loser in this cooking episode because you will each be cooking a different dish but in the end you'll get to eat the results together. Can there possibly be a better way to bond with your girl friends than by doing so through food?


If you think cooking isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for something more relaxing, then organizing a spa session is good for both the bride-to-be and also the bridesmaids. We know how stressful it is to organize a wedding - the dress, the hair and make-up, the party, and so on. A little bit of indulgence could be a big help before the big day.

Arrive a little bit before your appointment and make the most of the facilities that a spa offers. At Centara Grand Central World you can get into a steam room and take this opportunity to catch up and slow down. After the treatment of your choice, don't just rush out to a changing room. Sit back and relax in the lounge, sip some herbal tea and have a conversation. There is no better time to bond than when your body has just released some endorphins.

Playing Tourist

Pick a local destination where you've never been before and you'll get a whole new perspective on your home country through the eyes of a tourist. Open a map, ask locals for directions, try the local food, and make sure you take pictures of absolutely everything. Better yet, instead of flying make your trip more interesting by taking the train.

For a trip to remember as a single woman before embarking on married life, why not ride the train to Hua Hin and enjoy a memorable stay at the historical Centara Grand Hua Hin?


You NEED to relax and get your mind ready for the big day, lest bridezilla rear her head. Why not check into a suite with your closest friends? Get pampered, spend time by the pool, and indulge yourself with breakfast in bed - just watch the carbs and calories … don't forget you have a wedding dress to fit into!

Learn to Dance Properly

Dancing is a lost art. It is a serious skill but also fun. Why not organise a dance class of your choice? It doesn't need to be a ballroom dance although this one could come in handy for when the bride needs to do her first waltz. For a splash of fun, try a Pole dancing class, Indian dancing class, Tap dancing class, or even pick one song that you and your girlfriends love, head to a dance studio and ask a choreographer to help you create a whole performance. On the wedding day, your own 'show' will be a hit. Wouldn't that be fun?


7 Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas for the Bride-to-Be


No good deed goes unpunished. Make a list of charity organizations, animal shelters, or volunteer organizations of your choice and make it a whole day of doing 'good'. See if you can fit in several places in a day. If not, one is already great.

Rooftop Bar Hopping

This might not be anything unique since it's been done many times over - but this time you can add a special twist. Ask the bartender in each venue to teach you how to make a new cocktail. By the end of the evening, you'll have learned so much about cocktails, but we probably wouldn't recommend trying to drink all of them.

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